Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Inside Batting Cages In New Jersey My Finger Is Swollen And Blue After A Hitting It With A Softball Ball At The Batting Cages?

My finger is swollen and blue after a hitting it with a softball ball at the batting cages? - inside batting cages in new jersey

I had had a softball my thumb a little over 48 hours. Since then it has very swollen and blue / black on the nail and on both sides of the fingers. I picture is likely to be blood inside. I put ice and keep it raised, but the tumor had not decreased at all. I'm worried it could be something more serious, and usually take longer to heal and begin again to its normal size and color?

Thank you!


Utter Chaos said...

You have two options. One could take the opinions of foreigners on Yahoo Answers can not see or change, or you can go see a doctor trained in matters of this kind.

I suggest you see your doctor.

Mad Shatter said...

Inflammation, one day happen, but it is necessary to the blood that was trapped under the nail is released ... Even pressure pulse is felt in the region.

Missing Monster <3 said...

What happened to me, but it was the gardener, and was much worse. Simply put ice. automatticaly not removed, will take some time.

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